Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Best Book!!

So, I'm in a book group. I know, cliché.  Who has time to read?!  When it comes to my book group the better question is: Who has time for anything else?  I get so lost in my books that the house is neglected, the children are barely hanging on and dinner is almost all but forgotten.  It's a real sore spot with my husband-me and my books.  My all time favorite book came from a book group.  Its a funny story actually. Each month a different member of the group picks the book.  One month, one of the ladies picked a book and by page three I was having to put it down.  It was, in three pages, filled with outrageous swear words and lesbian love scenes.  Needless to say, she ended up changing her pick for that month.  The next time it was her turn we were all a bit nervous.  The book she picked turned out to be AHH-MAZING.  The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton.  By far my favorite book.  I'm not great with reviews so I'm cutting and pasting from a different website.

Cassandra is lost, alone and grieving. Her much loved grandmother, Nell, has just died and Cassandra, her life already shaken by a tragic accident ten years ago, feels like she has lost everything dear to her. But an unexpected and mysterious bequest from Nell turns Cassandra’s life upside down and ends up challenging everything she thought she knew about herself and her family.

Inheriting a book of dark and intriguing fairytales written by Eliza Makepeace—the Victorian authoress who disappeared mysteriously in the early twentieth century—Cassandra takes her courage in both hands to follow in the footsteps of Nell on a quest to find out the truth about their history, their family and their past; little knowing that in the process, she will also discover a new life for herself.

This is not a book that you can go back and read your favorite part.  There are too many plots and characters that are being followed all at once.  There are twists and turns and it is just so good!! Definitely read this book!!

New Blog Intro

This Blog is about being creative.   I love cooking, and baking and reading and my family.  I have six kids, but I am very much NOT.  I need a creative outlet.  I have ideas in my head and desires to create things, But I just don't know how to go about it.  My sister in law(who is my partner in crime for this blog) brought to my attention that the Kitchen is my canvas.  I spend a lot of my time in the kitchen making dinner or treats.  I love to pretend I'm a pioneer and make homemade things.  Like bagels, pita bread and tortillas.
This Blog is a mixture of all things.  From favorite reads, to favorite recipes, to anything else that we feel would be fun. My main hope for this blog is that you all aren't bored. I'm not eloquent  in my words, I like to think I'm funny in real life, but I don't project that well in words.