Sunday, April 30, 2017

If Snickers Cheesecake is Wrong, I Don't Want To Be Right!

My husband is a hobby recipe trier. Make his own pickles? Sure why not! Try making homemade tamales at Christmas, yes definitely, once anyway won't hurt! Most recently he decided to make a Snickers cheesecake. It was absolutely wonderful. The crust had a slight issue but it was only because too much water was added from the start.

The link to the full recipe is here

This is the masterpiece! We left out the Snickers on
top and put ALL the Snickers inside the cheesecake.
Since we had to share with our kids we didn't want
them picking any off the top and being gross.

This is a family selfie we took the day we ate the cheesecake.
I didn't notice that my son snuck in a nerf laser gun until after the picture was taken.
This is also the first day of Frank's haircut vs. the long hair in the video
below from the night before when he was making the

The above video is of long haired husband stirring his snickers cheesecake masterpiece! It was a real winner in my book!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Dad's Favorite

When I was growing up, my mom made birthdays a huge deal. This is important because she HATES holidays.  But we knew that on our birthday it was going to be all about us.  One of her "things" was giving us whatever cake we wanted.  I remember once that I asked for a cheese cake.  I'm not entirely sure she had made a cheese cake before then, but I got my cheesecake and it was magical.  But this post is not about me.  Its about my Dad.  His favorite cake, and I can remember having it a lot on his birthdays, is Pineapple upside down cake.  Every year, it was either that or german Chocolate cake.

Well, I had been craving Pineapple upside down cake.  It didn't turn out quite the way I wanted it to, but it was still so super yummy.  The recipe I found was made the cast iron skillet.  So I tweaked the recipe because it was for a small cast iron.  So I doubled it.  This caused a problem because it was too much batter.  It didn't cook all the way through the middle.  The very center was raw, but the rest was amazing. Maybe one and a half-ing it would work better--Also, I don't like maraschino cherries, so I omitted those real quick!!
The original recipe came fromJust a Pinch

**I LOVE my cast iron skillet.  My parents gave it to us one year for Christmas and we use it for everything.**

Here goes

1 cup butter- melted
2 cups brown sugar
1 can sliced pineapple
6 eggs beaten
2 cups sugar
2 cups flour-sifted
2 tsp powder
1/2 tsp salt
10 Tbsp pineapple juice

In your cast iron skillet, melt butter and add brown sugar and blend well.  Arrange pineapple slices on top of brown sugar and butter.  In a large bowl mix remaining ingredients and poor over the pineapple mixture in the skillet.  Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour.  Like I said you may need more, depending on how much batter you have.  You don't want it jiggly in the center and you want it to be a nice golden color.
Let the cake cool for about 10-15 minutes in the skillet.  Turn the cake upside down onto a serving plate.  My cake was big so I put a flat cookie sheet over the skillet then flipped them together.  We served with whipped cream and it was perfect.  Ice cream would be amazing too!!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Dinner time at the Bushman's

Ugh, dinner time.  Does anybody else hate dinner time?  Does anyone else's kids run circles around the table? Does any one else's kids refuse to eat until dinner is put away?  It never fails.  At my house, nobody wants to help with dinner until it's prepared and on the table.  Then my two little ones NEVER want to eat until I have cleared the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.  This happened tonight and my two year old who would not take a nap decided to lay on the floor and throw a fit.  It.  was.  AWESOME!!!
Please ignore the cross-dressing children.  This is how they like to play dress up, by wearing each others clothes.