Sunday, April 2, 2017

Dinner time at the Bushman's

Ugh, dinner time.  Does anybody else hate dinner time?  Does anyone else's kids run circles around the table? Does any one else's kids refuse to eat until dinner is put away?  It never fails.  At my house, nobody wants to help with dinner until it's prepared and on the table.  Then my two little ones NEVER want to eat until I have cleared the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.  This happened tonight and my two year old who would not take a nap decided to lay on the floor and throw a fit.  It.  was.  AWESOME!!!
Please ignore the cross-dressing children.  This is how they like to play dress up, by wearing each others clothes.

1 comment:

  1. I personally sincerely miss dinner with the Bushmans! The picture with THOSE two crazy youngest kids is hilarious!
